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Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Cancer in Young Women

These are some of our most frequently asked questions about breast cancer signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and quality of life. Being informed is the first step to becoming your own best health advocate.

These FAQs are provided for your information and convenience. They are not intended to be medical advice. Please consult your physician for any questions and concerns you may have.

If you are newly diagnosed and have questions about your surgical options, breast reconstruction and treatment (chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, radiation therapy) please order a free copy of our Newly Diagnosed Navigator, which covers all these topics and includes lists of questions to ask your doctors.

If you are living with metastatic breast cancer, our free Metastatic Navigator contains more detailed information about your disease, its treatment and maintaining your quality of life.

For young women who are post-treatment or long-term survivors (5 years or more out from your diagnosis) please order a copy of our Post-Treatment Navigator or Long-Term Navigator for more detailed information on what to expect and how to manage your healthcare and any post-treatment/long-term issues.

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